Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tinsley Virginia Mitchell

Sunday, January 15th 2012.  Ashley got up to let her dogs out this morning and Tinsley decided it was a good day to be born. So she and Josh headed for the hospital. Once settled in their room the contractions were quick and strong. By around 2:30pm all the anxious grand parents to be were kicked out so Ashley could get down to business! After about 3 hrs of pushing the doc decided it was time for a c section. Mom, Dad, and Tinsley may be headed home sometime today. Tinsley was born 8lbs, 9oz, 20.5 inches long, she has brown hair and blue eyes and has quite a catalog of expressions already! Here are some pictures;
Popsicle while we wait on Tinsley.
Several hours later... mom and baby are fine.

Dad keeping everyone posted on the happenings.

Time for a nap...I've had a big day!

Gramma's happy, Tinsley's content!

Sleeping in style.

A very happy baby

looking around more and more, checking out who's who?

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to all. Parents and GRAND PARENTS.
    Very proud of Becca too - being a new homeowner.
    Good thing you are retired so you can keep up with all this....
    Tom & Nancy
