Sunday, December 11, 2011

Nov. Dec. 2011

Ok now, back in October I had a physical for a new life insurance policy, everything was good ... except my triglycerides, they were through the roof! So, since this can be fixed by getting rid of fat around the belly and eating better I've become a gym rat. Since the beginning of November I've lost 6 lbs. The plan is 1 lb. a week, so far so good, in June I'll look at resetting those goals.
Our little trip down to see Marcia and Don was nice. We got to go up and see Uncle Art, Aunt Millie and was surprised to see John and Barbara there. Everyone looks great! The weather was nice, the food was great and we enjoyed the visit.
So far, this winter is dry and a little warmer than normal and as soon as the elbows recover I'll test them out by touching up the finish on the canoe.
Rebecca is waiting on the closing of her town-home that should be in a couple of weeks. Her commute is really crazy, while staying with us, she travels each day to the north side of Atlanta, she's spending 4 hours a day in her car.
Ashley is getting bigger and doing fine. We'll be seeing her this afternoon and will post some pictures.

Carolyn is doing good, back to normal and planning her summer teaching classes in the mountains, hopefully, I'll be paddling some rivers the same time.

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