Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Chesapeake 17 Day 4 and 5

Hot, hot, hot !  Today was applying the fillets  (fill its), cutting the fiberglass strips that will go on the fillets and then applying the epoxy. From previous experience I learned to make small batches of the epoxy. Since its made of a resin and a hardener once added together they create an exothermic reaction (it gets hot) and hardens. The temps in the garage yesterday and today are in the mid 90s so the epoxy is cooking off even faster. Anyway the wire stitching is cut off and the hull and inside are almost ready for a full coat of epoxy. The forms are cut for the cedar striping and that'll be the next big jump.

The fillets are in and the fiberglass strips are ready to be epoxied onto the fillets.

Once the fiberglass strips are wetted on with the epoxy they almost disappear.

The shearclamps will be planed or shaped to the same degree/radius as the deck.

Epoxy fillets will be applied in the seams between the masking tape.

Once dry (tomorrow) the tape comes off, then some light sanding.

So far this boat is coming along better than all the others ... :)

1 comment:

  1. It may appear that you are inhaling too much epoxy fumes.
