Wednesday, December 28, 2011

End of the year!

Hi all,
Well 2011 was certainly a different year than recent one's past. First off and most importantly, found Carolyn in remission, her next scan is not until March 2012.
Ashley and Josh are getting closer and closer to being parents of Tinsley Mitchell, Jan. 12, 2012 is the due date, we're all excited about the changes she'll bring.
Rebecca will be closing on her townhouse within the next few days, that has been a struggle and a process that's become more of an endurance challenge thanks to the market crash. Regardless her move into her new place will be "fun".
Right now as I turn around to a strange noise I see Carolyn starting to take down Christmas decorations. I guessing she's preventing us getting "a letter" for having them up too long :).  I know what I'll be doing outside today... after it gets a little warmer.
Anyway, here's to 2012! a toast to another new year and new beginnings.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Nov. Dec. 2011

Ok now, back in October I had a physical for a new life insurance policy, everything was good ... except my triglycerides, they were through the roof! So, since this can be fixed by getting rid of fat around the belly and eating better I've become a gym rat. Since the beginning of November I've lost 6 lbs. The plan is 1 lb. a week, so far so good, in June I'll look at resetting those goals.
Our little trip down to see Marcia and Don was nice. We got to go up and see Uncle Art, Aunt Millie and was surprised to see John and Barbara there. Everyone looks great! The weather was nice, the food was great and we enjoyed the visit.
So far, this winter is dry and a little warmer than normal and as soon as the elbows recover I'll test them out by touching up the finish on the canoe.
Rebecca is waiting on the closing of her town-home that should be in a couple of weeks. Her commute is really crazy, while staying with us, she travels each day to the north side of Atlanta, she's spending 4 hours a day in her car.
Ashley is getting bigger and doing fine. We'll be seeing her this afternoon and will post some pictures.

Carolyn is doing good, back to normal and planning her summer teaching classes in the mountains, hopefully, I'll be paddling some rivers the same time.

Monday, December 5, 2011

New Look

I'm trying a new look to the blog here.  I'll be adding some more items in the near future.
Currently I'm nursing a good case of tendonitis, a fancy term for tennis elbow! damn that thing hurts :), it's slowly getting better, had it in both arms, one left to heal up.
Carolyn's last CT scan about 3 weeks ago was all clear!
Keeping our fingers crossed that Rebecca gets her house we'll know soon.
Ashley and Josh are doing well, Jan. 12th is getting closer, we're all getting excited!
As soon as the elbow is better the canoe is going to get a workout!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Fontana Lake NC Maiden Voyage

This last Friday Curt and I stopped at Nottely Lake in the N. Georgia mountains and had a sea trial for approximately an hour and a half.  We then continued to Murphy, NC where we use for a base, from there we paddled Fontana Lake in the Nantahala National Forest. This is truly a beautiful location. We paddled approx. 12 miles round trip while hurricane Irene was pounding the NC shore. We had a beautiful day. We stopped and hiked a trail to an old abandoned logging community and had lunch then returned.
What a treat to paddle in water where looking down into 10' or so and bottom or fish, saw lots of schools of Trout 10" t0 12", next morning we saw a small black bear scurrying across the road on our way to the put in at Cheoah Lake, another crystal clear lake that looks more like a river. Water temp there was 52 degrees!
Here's some pictures.
Sea Trial on Lake Nottely

Lake Cheoah, just below Fontana Lake Dam, water temp is 52 degrees!

Hazel Creek on way to abandoned Proctor City, an old logging community.

Trees have taken over the home!

John, just uprighted from roll practice, Fontana Lake water was 82 degrees!

Rolls to quick for the camera, I guess I need to figure out the video.

We had 8 of us, and picked up others along the way, Sam has his sail deployed to assist.

Heading out!, Susie, Curt, John

Look closely at the rocks and gravel, this is where I said "Oh well" first scratches!

Beautiful lake

Water down a bit.

Lake Cheoah, crystal clear water!  :-)

Lake Cheoah looking towards Fontana Dam.

Paddling in the mist!

Smile Curt!

Sam, John, Curt

Park Rangers "somewhere"

Friday, August 19, 2011

Chesapeake 17 Hybrid Day 23, Done !

Friday, August 19, 2011, 4:00pm  Except for some foam padding and grab handles for the bow and stern I'm waiting on to be delivered, the kayak is done.  Next step is to see if it floats?

I wasn't sure if the cockpit cover would fit after making the cockpit bigger!

A little perspective on the size.

Let's see if he fits in it?

Actually quite roomy!

Add caption
Yup! good fit.

Much easier to get in and out of compared to the old one!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Chesapeake 17 Hybrid Day 18

No work today, getting "sander elbow", no more pictures until the boat is finished!  But here's some pictures of the trail I'll be using to walk to Lake Arrowhead and to the put in!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Chesapeake 17 Hybrid Day 17

Cockpit coming is on, reinforced with fiberglass, the hatches are done when the drip edge dries.  I got some sanding done on the hull, tomorrow the deck gets sanded if the epoxy is dry, (I may need to put another coat on the coming and hatch edges.)  Early, early monday morning may see the first coat of Interlux, Schooner, marine varnish, I anticipate 7 coats with a wet sanding of 320 grit sand paper between each coat, so that step will be a week long!
Front hatch, this edge will be inside a minicell foam strip that's attached to the hatch cover making it waterproof.

Cockpit coming drying after a coat of epoxy, masking tape makes for easy cleanup in case of drips, there's always drips! :)

Same for the rear hatch.

Some sanding done on the hull, next will be 150 grit followed by 220 grit.

Done for the day!  :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Chesapeake 17 Hybrid Day 16

Hatches and cockpit coming, getting closer, this is the part where you want to do more each day but can't until something else has dried, cured, hardened or whatever.