Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas Y'all :-)

Christmas Eve 2013,  I hope this finds everyone in the Christmas spirit and enjoying friends and family.
Rebecca is here, Ashley, Josh, Tinsley and Tyler are coming up this evening for the Candle Light Service and then dinner at home.  Christmas this year is at Ashley's.
Hopefully Marcia and Don will be stopping by on their way back to Florida, looking forward to seeing them!
Here's some recent pics.
Built this mantle to replace the el cheapo one !

Ashley needed a bench to go with her dining room table, after pricing chairs at $150/each,  the bench $23.

fits just right :)

There is absolutely no comparison between a Toy Tacoma and a Ram, truly the nicest vehicle I've owned..... so far :)

Christmas Eve morning heading home from the grocery store.

Approaching the lake.

Its cold out there today  35 degrees.

Our lake runneth over after 3" of rain day before yesterday.
Mary is blooming again for Christmas!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving delayed a little :)

We had our Thanksgiving on Saturday to accommodate busy schedules and to recover from a fast and hard hitting virus that went through the whole family at the same time earlier in the week. Great food, great football (way to go Auburn), and fun with the family.
First Annual  pumpkin roll in Ashley and Josh's new neighborhood.  Tinsley won :)

New curtins in time for Thanksgiving.

Gramma movin so fast she's a blur :)

Everything's good! Gramma.

Where's mine?

Let's eat!