Saturday, June 23, 2012

3 Days and counting...

Hi all, well as usual just about everyyear on our anniversary it seems, our AC compressor decides to give up the ghost!  Of course it's going to be on a Friday with the hottest weekend of the year.  So hopefully by Tuesday and $1200. later we'll have AC just in time to move out!  Anyone remember Hee Haw, "gloom, dispair, and agony on me... if it were'nt for bad luck I've have no luck at all" (lol).
Today we're going up to Rebecca's and work on her kitchen some more (in the air conditioning), it is slowly making progress and will be nice when it's done.
Tuesday we close/sell this house, on Wednesday we close on Lake Arrowhead, Thursday the movers come, and Friday we start unpacking, or maybe Carolyn will and I'll check out the lake with the kayak :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Getting Closer....

This week we heard progress is being made from our buyers end.  It looks like a closing will happen sometime the last week of June. Our fingers are still crossed! This last week was busy with several trips to Becca's house to start installing the uppers-kitchen cabinets. I was surprised at how "relatively" well they went in! Of course there was one exception of a wall not being square. The doors are on the cabinets, next are the base cabinets and sink base which will require a plumber unfortunately since pipes need to be moved and refitted. So far this project has netted two new tools, a multi tool and a sawz-all. They both have come in handy but I fear this project will end before I can manage any more new toys.
Tomorrow we have our final walk through of the new house. If all goes well, at the end it gets locked up until we move in.
My assistance with Elite Translation Services, LLC has come to a slow down. We finished the proposal and it was submitted to DEA, now we wait, for the time being no news for us is good news, meaning the proposal did not contain any "fatal errors" which could eliminate us immediately.  When we win, it'll be hectic again starting the transition plan and ensuring quality control during the change over. From what I've learned DEA's wiretaps are busier than ever, (wooo hooo!)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Some Pictures

Since I'm complaining all the time on the lack of rain, here's some pictures of the house in the rain!
Hope I don't jinx all this by showing the pictures now.  :)
There are still some small punchlist items they'll be finishing up this week.  I'll be getting with my kayaking buddy Curt, the electrician, for some new/better lighting for the kitchen/eating area.  The pictures seem to make the place look larger than it is, but the basement is truly big!

Two very nice decks, like sitting in the tree tops!

Looking in from front door

Dining Room, light fixture needs fixing!

From sunroom looking towards front door. We had all carpet replaced with hardwood floors.

Appliances are in, all electric, that'll be different for us!

Family room

Huge basement

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